
Travel Health Insurance with a Pre-Existing Medical Condition

Many people dream of traveling around the world, spending time learning new cultures, eating wonderful foods and practicing new languages. There is nothing more educational than travel. If you hope to learn about the world, the single best way to do that is to get out and see it. However, if you are dealing with a pre-existing medical condition, you may be concerned about traveling too far from home. That is why travel health insurance is absolutely essential for a traveler with health issues or concerns. Here’s what you need to know about travel health insurance with a pre-existing medical condition.

Traveling While Pregnant

Pregnancy is an exciting time in any woman’s life. She may want to visit family for showers or spend time with her own mother preparing for the baby. Moreover, she may want to schedule a “baby moon” to spend some last minute alone time with her significant other. There is no reason that a woman approved by her doctor to travel should have to stay at home. Many women travel while pregnant and are completely safe. However, pregnancy travel insurance can add an extra peace of mind when traveling during this most important and delicate time.

Ongoing vs. Past Conditions

Seniors and others with health issues may worry that their conditions will not be covered. This depends on what those conditions are. These days travel medical insurance for seniors is available. If you have a past condition that you no longer need treatment for, then it’s no longer a problem because its over. For example, a heart attack would be a past condition. However, if you are currently in treatment for a chronic or ongoing condition, such as diabetes, that will not be covered. Make sure you research what travel medical insurance is best for your health situation.

Emergency Situations May Call For Extra Coverage

Keep in mind that when traveling, you can’t predict when you might experience a severe accident or emergency. As a matter of fact, you may participate in riskier or more dangerous activities traveling than when at home. Extra coverage in case of an emergency can save you tens of thousands of dollars and a great deal of heartache.

Travel Health Insurance — In Summary

  • You should definitely get travel health insurance if you’re pregnant.
  • Many pre-existing conditions may be covered depending on what specific conditions they are and how they affect you currently.
  • You should consider extra coverage for emergencies that require ambulances, helicopters or hospitalization.
  • Although travel health insurance does not cover everything (but neither does regular health insurance), it does cover quite a lot and will give you a sense of safety and security that is absolutely priceless.

Travel health insurance with a pre-existing medical condition doesn’t have to be confusing. Contact us at Health Is International for help sorting it out and a travel health insurance quote.

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